Call for Papers

Start of Submissions/Registrations: 10th February

Deadline: 1st May (23.59 CET)

The Scientific and Programme Committee of 28th European Sport Management Virtual Conference of the European Association for Sport Management (EASM) invites scholars and practitioners to submit abstracts to be considered for presentation. Additionally, we invite short papers to be considered for the EASM Best Conference Paper Award 2020 and for the ESMQ New Researcher Award 2020 for young scientific scholars. Reviewers contributing to assessing and progressing colleagues’ work in an excellent manner as part of the peer-review process will be awarded with the EASM Best Conference Reviewer Award 2020.

The European Sport Management Virtual Conference is the first of its ind and similarly to our regular conferences contributors have the opportunity to present in Parallel Sessions and Workshops during the conference.

The main aim of all conference sessions is to encourage participants from across fields to share knowledge, provide new insights and inspire the future of sport management. Sessions also offer a platform to create inter- and cross-disciplinary contacts and collaborations.

Please review the conference website for full information on the conference content, submission requirements, awards and registration. Abstract submissions should be made through the ConfTool system.

Parallel Sessions

In Parallel Sessions, every presenter gives a maximum 12-minute oral presentation with additional 5 minutes for discussion. Our Parallel Session topics are:

  • Sport Governance and Policy
  • Strategy, Leadership and Stakeholder Management in Sport
  • Sport Marketing
  • Sport Consumer Behaviour
  • Sport Events and Tourism
  • Sport, Media and Communication
  • E-Sport and Technology
  • Sport Facility Management
  • Sport Funding and Finance
  • Sport Law and Ethics
  • Public Health and Physical Activity Management
  • Sport Development and Socio-Cultural Perspectives
  • Sport Management Education
  • Broader, New and Critical Aspects of Sport Management
  • Innovation in Sport Business
  • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Sport Management


Our Workshops aim to stimulate discussions and intellectual engagement between participants on a particular subtheme. They may be outcome-focussed, e.g. channel work into special issues; to integrate theory and practice; shift existing fields; or map out new sport management territory. Convenors design their Workshops by embracing a format and flow that enable collaboration and participant experiences different to traditional conference sessions. Details about each Workshop, including submission requirements, are available at Workshop tab. This year, we invite submissions towards the following Workshops:

  • Running events in Europe: Social, Economic and Psychological
  • Environmental Matters in Sport Management

ESMQ New Researcher Award (NRA) 2020

The NRA, sponsored by Routledge Journals, is for the best original theoretical or empirical advance and significant unpublished contribution in sport management. To be eligible for this award, researchers must be near to completion of their PhD or have graduated less than three years prior to submission. Full details are available at ESMQ NRA tab.

Developing Future Sport Management Researchers and Practitioners

We invite PhD research students to apply/register for the EASM PhD Student Seminar. Further details are available at the PhD Seminar tabs.


For your inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the Chair of the Scientific and Programme Committee, Guillaume Bodet (EASM Scientific Chair, If you like to join our large international community of conference abstract reviewer by offering your expertise and valuable time, please email Gui (incl. contact details, preferred tracks/topics).